Regarding the Mass Shootings in Orlando For every purchase of our Orlando Strong t-shirts, will donate a portion of the profits to Orlando Youth Alliance, and LGBT 501(c)(3) charity. [powr-comments id=6b53d882_1465782913987]
Regarding the Mass Shootings in Orlando
The Ethics of Selling T-Shirts
The Ethics of Selling T-Shirts
Peace is Patriotic
I never understood why those who advocate for war are considered patriotic and those who prefer to advocate for peace are not. One may think that keeping the troops safe at home, unless needed for self-defense, would be prudent and patriotic. One might even consider that diplomacy and negotiation would be more patriotic than rushing to war for the sake of the vested interests in the war machine. How can you demonstrate love for your country by creating misery, death and destruction abroad, just to benefit national corporate interests?
War is a very ugly thing. It is very seldom a solution. If war was indeed vital for national interests, why is it that mostly the poor get to fight it? Since the abolition of the draft, mostly the poor and those looking for opportunity are the ones signing up. It is easier to send someone else's son to die than it is to send your own. That is why many of the powerful elite do not have their sons or daughters serve in the armed forces.
If we would have used the money we spent on the war in Iraq in our own healthcare system instead, we would have enjoyed free healthcare for a decade. It is so ironic that many of our citizens would rather spend a trillion dollars killing people in other countries and showering corporations with the spoils of war, than using that money for healing themselves, their children and grandchildren.
As a former soldier, I do appreciate the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. I know what is like to serve in time of war. It is my opinion that the best support I can give the troops is to advocate for peace. Why put my fellow compatriots in harms way to line the pockets of oil corporations, weapon manufacturers and profiteers? I love my country. I love the men and women who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect me. As far as I'm concerned, the words "thank you for your service" mean nothing if you are willing to send those same people into battle out of hate, prejudice or ill conceived revenge.
Humans are tribal by nature. It is easier to incite hate and fear than it is to create understanding and consensus. Let's evolve together as humans and work to create a just and peaceful world. [powr-comments id=cf749810_1463456290225]
Hippie University Values
This website and the things that I will sell will follow a set of values that were rediscovered and developed during the beat era and the hippie counter-culture. Here are a list of 10 values I hope to promote:
1. Peace is just, fair, desirable and patriotic.
2. We must coexist and learn to value people from other faiths and cultures. We can all learn to get along, love and appreciate one another.
3. We must recognize the damage we make to the earth by our boundless consumption, and try to live in harmony with nature.
5. We should always fight for justice and freedom, specially for those who can't fend for themselves.
6. The world is for all humans, wilderness and nature; not for corporations and some elite few.
7. Nobody should be judged or denied rights because of their sex, religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
8. Humans should have the right to consume anything they want, as long as they don't harm anyone else by doing so.
9. Freedom of the press is essential to democracy. Satire should be encouraged, not punished.
10. Government should be for the people, by the people; not for corporations by corporations.
Yes, I do see the irony in having to create a corporation to fight corporatism and promote consumption and be anti-consumerism. I just hope I can grow this venture into a positive force for change in the world.
Ramon Diaz
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