Bijou Funnies #6

$ 19.99 
1st Printing:  Fine / Very fine

Bijou Funnies #6 earns a Top Twenty Underground Cover award with this Robert Crumb gem. The lettering and background on the cover reminds me a bit of his artwork for "Ultra Super Modernistic Comics" from Head Comix. Inside, Crumb contributes a terrific ProJunior story, Jay Lynch delivers two Nard n' Pat tales and Snappy Sammy Smoot becomes a serial killer. Another highlight is "Hef's Pad", where Crumb, Lynch and Williamson describe their visit to the Playboy mansion, which is based on a true story. The Bijou series steps it up another notch as Lynch (the editor) relies on four of the smartest guys in the underground for the content of this

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